Friday, November 13, 2015

Orchid Tattoos - A Tattoo and Exotic Femininity

Orchid tattoos body art can be a beautiful and interesting, if you are looking for floral patterns. It is not as common as pink lily or lotus to have a unique tattoo if you choose to have that. However, it is equally beautiful and sophisticated than the other way mentioned above and significant for their flowers.

Orchid tattoos

Orchids are, in fact, more flowers of passion cultivated worldwide. As tattoo designs, there is plenty of variety to choose from in various shapes and colors. Cattleya is the most popular of its kind and is the classic bouquet of flowers. In terms of symbolism, orchids are exotic and mysterious symbols. They are known to signify romance, extravagance and desire for intimacy. Wild Orchid was universally a symbol of fertility. In China, the orchid is a symbol of perfection, while in England, said the purple spots on the petals to represent the blood of Christ.

With the natural beauty of flowers, orchids tattoos can look great if they are small or large inked on the body. The offering to consider this problem are blade tattoo, lower back, groin, feet, ribs and even if you try to design a large scale. It looks better if tattooed with the colors to make it more realistic; However, there are some tattoo fans choose to have tattoos inked orchids with black outline only. It really depends on the chosen design and how your tattoo will be performed on your body.

With permanent tattoos, be sure to choose a design orchid tattoos is "tattooable". You can ask your tattoo artist and a preview for you or you can choose the online sites that offer quality tattoo art.

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